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Dark Fantasy from the Western Hill of NY


Hi! I’m Caytlyn Brooke, a dark fantasy horror author from Elmira, NY. One of the biggest questions I receive as an author is, “How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?”

For me, from conception to publication each book takes about two years. One full year I dedicate to writing the story. 6-8 months I’m consumed with the editing process and then the last few months I spend most of my time scrolling Pinterest to find the perfect aesthetic photos in which to market the book.

I’m also asked if I’m a plotter or a pantser and as much as I wish I could create an outline andstick to it, I am 100% a pantser. Which means I have a basic idea of characters and where I’d like the plot to go, however, I don’t follow a detailed outline or set word goals for myself. In this way, I’m able to relax and have fun with the creation of the story.

Plus, it’s exciting to see how varying moods and the dominant emotion of the day impact my writing and weave the plot through different labyrinths. Not only does it keep the writing process interesting for me but helps ensure my readers will be kept on their toes as well.

Another element curious onlookers wish to know is my preference for music. Many authors create the perfect soundtrack, inspired by the ringing notes. As for me, I write in absolute silence. I’ve tried many times before, even using only lyrical music yet the melody clashes with the flow of my words so unfortunately music as a muse doesn’t work for me.

I’d also love to tell you how I sit atop a warm armchair at a beautiful desk surrounded by my books when I write, but sadly all my novels have been penned at the dining room table amid the chaos of the day and my family. That’s why word goals have never appealed to me because I write sporadically, so 17 words one day would be a huge win!

One of my favorite books I’ve written is a contemporary sci-fi called, Wired. When I first started writing, I never thought I’d write a sci-fi novel, but then technology exploded, and I found I had a lot to say regarding the subject.

Wired takes place in Boston, MA in the year 2031. Rather than a handheld device, phones are now implanted at the base of the skull where sensors connect to the brain stem and flood your occipital lobe with incredible VR and delicious waves of dopamine.

Thrill seeking apps such as cliff jumping or swimming with sharks is available with a single thought.

At first, Maggie is wary. It’s not hard to see the effect tablets and phones have on society. Couples no longer talk over dinner because they’re each scrolling social media sites and children and teens don’t learn proper communication skills or empathy because from infancy they are plugged in. The only relationship that’s been fostered is between themselves and a screen.

Pressured by her friends, Maggie buys the new device and from the first connection she is hooked. Using at work, at home, commuting, and while hanging out with friends. It isn’t until she takes it off that the hallucinations start, accompanied by nausea and other withdrawal symptoms.

My goal in writing Wired was to parallel people’s constant dependency on their phones today with a possible futuristic figment as a wake-up call to put down the phone and live and love organically.

For many readers, it is a difficult book to read because it makes them confront their own phone usage and it’s an uncomfortable truth to admit. On the flip side, readers have contacted me to say thank you.

Thank you for opening my eyes to this before it was too late.

If you’re curious, Wired can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble online, and my publisher’s website along with discussion questions. You can also follow me on TikTok @caytlynbrooke_author

Thank you so much for having me! Happy reading!

Wired is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Check out Caytlyn’s page at BHC Press.

Original Article Found Here:


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1 comentário

10 de jun. de 2023

God made only 1 of you in the whooole, wide U N I V E R S E! How awwwsome. Someday I wanna meet you, doll. sHe made 1 of me, too... and 1 of me is enough. 'Laugh it up, fuzzball' -Han Solo, Hoth God! bless!! you!!! Cya soon... ● ●


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